Learning the alphabet is an essential part of early learning about literacy. Distinguishing between letters and learning their names is not all there is to 'learning the alphabet.' Knowing how alphabet letters function in writing and knowing specific letter-sound associations are crucial. Otherwise, children cannot use the letter-name knowledge they have.
"Teachers can provide a range of activities to help children learn about the alphabet. Some of this learning can take place in the context of broad experiences. Other opportunities for learning can be provided through specific alphabet materials such as puzzles and matching games.
If specific alphabet materials are just one part of a total literacy program, children will enjoy using these materials because they will know to which experiences in the world they relate. It is only when alphabet teaching takes place in a narrow, linear, 'skills-first' program that children find learning about the alphabet tedious and meaningless. This can happen, for example, if the language arts or reading program consists of studying one letter each week for an entire preschool or kindergarten school year, or of writing one letter repeatedly each day, on a workbook page.
However, there is no need to approach alphabet learning in these ways; many better options exist."
What is the alphabet and why is it important for our children to learn it? The alphabet is simply a collection of letters and sounds. Most of us cannot even remember a time when we did not know our letters so it sounds almost absurd to worry about how to teach it to our children.
Yet, the ABCs are the building blocks of language. In order to become literate, our children must be able to recognize each letter, both in order and out of order, as well as the sounds connected with that letter. Once armed with that knowledge, then a child is well on the road to reading and literacy.
Learning the alphabet should begin early in a child's life. While some children do not learn their letters until they start school this is not recommended. In fact, children should be well on their way to alphabet mastery before preschool age and should certainly be at least introduced to the letters before the age of 3.
Through out history people have invented and created things make everyday life more manageable. Some examples of these things are metallurgy, the wheel, writing, alphabet, pottery, calender and boats. In opinion we believe writing and the alphabet stand out above the rest.
We believe writing/Alphabet is the most important as far as advancing human history because without the alphabet we would not be able to communicate like we do today. We wouldn't be able to read or write so that means we wouldn't be able to text, go on the internet and look things up, and go to school and have an education. To get an education you need to learn and to learn you need to listen to an instructor or teacher therefore in order to communicate you need the alphabet.
Today, the alphabet is used worldwide and is used by people everyday. Writing is how we communicate with each other and have conversations. Writing has developed so much in the world we live in. That it became apart of technology. Where writing was developed to not only be on paper but in the computers. Writing has helped in developing the world we live in today, without writing we would be much less advance than we are now . we would all been undeveloped civilians with no way to communicate.
Learning the alphabet as the foundation of our spoken language gives us the advantage of knowing how letters and words are pronounced, how to think in a language, and how to spell in that language.
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Samples From the Book
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